The Sinclairs in England

Abraham Walker’s second son, Henry Douglas Sinclair, arrived in England in 1900 to marry Ellen Jones from Cradoc, a little village near Brecon. She was the daughter of an estate factor who Henry had probably been doing business with from Ireland.

Henry (Harry) Douglas Sinclair

Harry and Nellie lived in Wembley, Middlesex, where he established a timber business. The local girls were warned by their parents not to get involved with the five Sinclair boys.

Harold Henry Davis Sinclair

Harold was the eldest, and married Nancy Hull. He established a wood joinery factory in Arundel, Sussex, in 1941, and died in 1974.

His son, Brian, was a barrister and Queen’s Counsel, but didn’t marry or have any children. He died of cancer in 1999.

His eldest daughter Margaret worked in legal administration and married John Atkinson and they have three children.

Moira, Harold’s youngest daughter, worked in the NHS. Her first husband was Martin Brook and they had two children. Her second husband is Keith Baker and they have one daughter.

William Denis Walker Sinclair

Denis was a mechanical engineer and an inventor. He married Pat Hardcastle, who died aged 42 years. They had two sons.

Ian was a missionary in India, where he met Margaret Romanis. They married and had one son. Ian died after an epileptic fit in 1970.

Neil married Ghinda Bailey, but they divorced without any children. Neil died in 2010.

Ivor George Sinclair

Ivor established a road haulage company in Wraysbury, Berkshire. He married Beatrice Dania and they had two children, Diane and Graham. Ivor introduced speedway racing into Britain in the 1920s. He died in 1991.

Diane married David White and emigrated to British Columbia. They have a son and a daughter, David died in 2010.

Graham married Daphne Beckham and was divorced, and later married Maureen Metcalfe, who died of cancer. He sold his haulage business when he retired and spends his time working in his local community.

Eric Gerald Alexander Sinclair

Eric joined the Royal Artillery rather than set himself up in business like his brothers. He was in India for six years before the Second World War, and married Norah Brown, a local girl in Wembley who had taken no notice of her family’s instructions not to mix with the Sinclairs. After the war, Eric left the army and took over a pub, The Half Moon Inn, in Northchapel, Sussex. He died in 1965.

Their first child was Michael, born in 1938. He married Doreen Belton from Maidstone, Kent, and they have two children. Michael spent most of his working life in the oil industry and sailing boats during his leisure hours.

The second child was Peter, born in 1946, the creator of this website.

Norman Sinclair

Norman was the youngest son. He married Mary Mitchell, who spent many years in a mental institution after a fall and died in 1976. Norman died in 1967. They had three children, Douglas, who survived one year, Courtney and Sheila.

Courtney joined the RAF and spent much of his time in Germany. He married twice, first to Pauline Brown, and then to Sonya with whom he has one daughter.

Sheila also married twice, to Joseph Murrey and then to Quentin Sutton. Quentin died in 2013. Sheila did not have any children.


The Sinclair family, c.1911. From the left, Harold (aged 10), Ivor (aged 8), Denis (aged 9), Henry Douglas (aged 42), Eric (aged 6), Nellie Jones (Henry’s wife, aged 45), Royden Parry Price (Nellie’s sister’s husband), Norman (aged 2), Winifred Ann Jones (Nellie’s sister, aged 23), and Elijah William Jones (Nellie’s father, aged 71). If it was later, Norman might have been Winifred’s first child, Megan, born 1910. The photograph was taken beside the lake at Pyscodlyn Farm in Cradoc. It is still there, but looking less pastoral.

The Sinclair family, probably taken soon after Harold’s (the first son’s) marriage to Nancy. Back row: Denis, Nellie, Eric, Norman, Ivor. Front row: Henry Douglas, Nancy, Harold.

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